About Us

Welcome to our website! Bello Games New York, Inc., has a large selection of family games such as Chess, Backgammon, Rummy, Playing Cards, Gambling Equipment, Dominos, Go Sets and so much more. We strive to meet everyone’s budget. We have your simple economical game board, on up to luxury sets which are crafted of 24K gold/silver plating, Swarovski Crystals, Italian Alabaster, Briarwood and so much more. Our products can be found worldwide from famous department stores on Fifth Avenue in NYC to Beverly Hills to Monaco. Bello Games New York makes wonderful gifts and will surpass your expectations.
Why shop at Bello Games New York?
  • We are the experts in selling games and game related products. We are extremely familiar with our products. When you call our customer service number you are connected right away with a gaming expert.
  • We, here at Bello Games New York, are actively involved with our manufacturers in Italy, Hungary, France, Japan, Germany and China. We work directly with the manufacturers ensuring our products are made to Bello Games New York specifications.
  • You will always make the right choice at Bello Games New York, as our staff has been in the gaming industry for years.
  • Our unbeatable value and customer service is what sets us apart from the rest.
You can contact us at any time by email at info@bellogamesnewyork.com, or telephone us at 866-570-4448
Bello Games New York, Inc.